How to Change the Instagram App Icon on iOS and Android

Instagram now lets you try one of its old icons from the previous decade. In this article, we have explained how to change the Instagram app icon on Android and iOS smartphones.

How to Change the Instagram App Icon on iOS and Android

As a way of celebrating the tenth birthday of the popular social platform, Instagram released an icon pack that comprises its old logos, including the brown camera and a pre-launch codename icon as used on its older versions.

The idea is to pull down from the top of the Settings screen until a chain of emojis is displayed on the screen. Users then choose an icon on the next screen by adding it.

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How to Change the Instagram App Icon on iOS and Android

  1. The process is similar for Android and iOS. However, the icons appear different on both OS. Please, ensure your Instagram app is up to date.
  2. To learn to change the Instagram App Icon on iOS and Android, please follow the following steps;
  3. Launch the Instagram app and tap your profile icon located on the lower-right.
  4. Next, tap the three-line menu icon on the upper-right and choose Settings.
  5. Now pull down from the top of the screen (as if you are scrolling up) repeatedly until a chain of emojis appear. This usually takes a few tries.
  6. If it finally appears, tap to see all of the available old icons located on another page. The page is displayed with confetti flying everywhere.
  7. Choose an icon and tap Add.
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As said earlier, the icons appear differently on Android and iOS smartphones. In addition, Android users get a shortcut to Instagram on their phone with a small square of the current icon placed on it. However, the new icon is displayed on iOS and not as an overlay.

Also, you can try another icon simply by repeating the steps.

How to Change the Instagram App Icon on iOS and Android

How to Remove Extra Icons from Android Home Screen

For Android users that have tried a few different icons, you must have noticed that the icons are displayed repeatedly and will need to be removed. iPhone users do not need to, since the icon chosen will replace the current one.

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On your Android smartphone, go to the home screen, find, tap and hold the app icon, and remove it from the home screen.

Also, See:

We have come to the end of this post on how to change the Instagram app icon on Android and iOS smartphones. Please share if you find it helpful and remember to give due credit.


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