Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones

Hello Friends, Technology could make or mar you,but then it does make life easier for humanity,however there are some inventions that could be harmful especially in the world of mobile apps,so if you are a user of android phone then you need to read this post (Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones) carefully and stay away from the following apps, and if for any reason you have downloaded them to your phone please do well to delete them now, because if you don’t these apps will take control of your life, trust me.

You see some programs can collect data from your phone, share your personal information and even steal money from your bank account, Therefore the following are the most suspicious apps you may come across in Google Play, I just hope you don’t have any of them on your phone right now. Starting with, THE WEATHER APPS Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones

Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones

You know weather apps used to be the in thing back in the day, at least until it was discovered that some of them contained dangerous viruses, there was one case where a weather app had a built-in Trojan that was collecting information from the user’s phone and sending them to the attackers, those stinkers for the most part they were
interested in credit card data surprise,surprise you may say, over 5,000 people downloaded the app which besides showing them the forecast also intercepted their texts that allowed the bad guys to avoid 2-step authentication and eanymoret access to banking information now that most smart devices come with pre-loaded and much more trustworthy weather apps nobody really needs to download them anymore thanks to some duds who took the pains to do some due diligence on this apps.
NEXT THE SOCIAL MEDIAL APPS Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones

These apps were also really prevalent at first but then started losing their popularity pretty quick, their decline has nothing to do with hackers it’s just that social media apps suck up so much of your device’s energy and kill
the battery to nobody wants to deal with a lagging phone right, many Facebook users find the mobile version of the
browser much easier to use than the official app so how about shoving that app off your phone, anyway that decision is yours to make, mine is to do my tech search.
THE OPTIMIZERS Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones
There are optimizers like the clean master that are supposed to take care of your phone by clearing your cache and
deleting unnecessary programs but most phones today come with this function already built-in which makes these apps
essentially useless, they also drain the battery life, so really optimizers don’t make your phone system faster they just slow it down and bring you ads as an added bonus or so you may think,
THE BUILD IN BROWSERS Killer Apps For Android Mobile Phones
These apps are exactly like what they sound, browsers that come factory installed in your device they’re mostly slow working and as you can guess not that popular, in most cases built-in browsers open when you click a link
which is pretty annoying if you ask me, but it’s more serious than just inconvenience/ unlike for example Google
Chrome these programs don’t have any protection from data interception.

Especially from unknown developers when hackers started stealing people’s data from their phones, mobile antiviruses naturally started popping up everywhere and that’s exactly when the hackers themselves got the bright
an idea to create their own anti-virus apps which can steal users personal data and even completely block the phone just check out what this fake antivirus called low P is capable of, it aggressively displays advertisements that redirect the user to malicious Internet resources and as soon as these web pages open harmful files are
automatically downloaded, it can also send delete and reply to text messages allowing it to control the phone system plus if that wasn’t enough it subscribes you to differ pay for services and you wonder where your money is disappearing to and that’s not all oh no this app takes deceit to a whole new level, it makes the user believe that
genuine antivirus scanners are dangerous for the software and demands that you uninstall them as soon as they’re
detected to make matters even worse, all this activity going on in the low P app can overheat your phone so much that the battery bulges will destroy your Android device you need to stay the hell away from this one for real.
This category includes browsers with special features like gaming and video streaming, these types of applications have two major downfalls, first off the number of built-in ads are just ridiculous not only are these ads incredibly annoying,they also really slow your phone down,secondly these special browsers require access to most aspects of the system and they can even manage your calls which as you know isn’t safe let’s take for example UC browser which is the number one web browser in India and China, it’s supposed to have a fast mode that compresses data and saves you tons of megabytes and usage trust me it’s not as cool as it sounds because this browser is actually used for tracking as soon as you start using it your searches IMEI and IMSI numbers Android ID and other information is directed to an Alibaba analytics tool and your geolocation down to the street name you’re on getting sent to an Alibaba mapping tool without any encryption this all sounds really techy, confusing and unsaveKiller Apps For Android Mobile Phones
These apps promise to increase the amount of RAM on your device are optimizers and all they can actually do is clear the cache temporarily, but remember we already mentioned that your phone can do this on its own and the simple truth about the RAM is that you won’t get more memory than your phone had initially plus these programs don’t just use up the resources you have but also gladly collect your data as well, you are well off without them.
AM Sure you are not going to fall for these apps now, do you? because they’re created just for fun, you know maybe in the future all phones will come with built-in biometric sensors that can read the subtle changes in heart rate when someone answers random questions but until that day comes we’re stuck with what we got, and today’s mobile lie detectors are about as useful as crystal balls or the device that fortune tellers use like any other app of this sort they kill your battery plus they absolutely don’t need access to your contacts and personal data so if you’ve downloaded a lie detecting app and it’s trying to get this access you have to delete it fast.
Apps that defragment mobile devices were super popular right at their inception because they’re similar to the same
programs on computers but a smartphone doesn’t have any hard drive for these apps to defragment they can only analyze, how much space certain programs take up, besides defragmentation apps also use your phone’s resources and can collect your personal data it’s not worth the pains trust me.
Music player as you can probably guess from the name this app lets you listen to the audio files you’ve saved on your device however even though the files are saved the application still consumes tons of data since it’s full of
ads, what’s more, it causes a massive drain of your battery for sure. ah number two
There are actually countless apps promising to extend battery life or make a smartphone charge faster, for example, there are apps like d-u battery saver and fast charge, in fact, nothing especially an application can change the speed of your gadget charging, they do nothing to help your phone’s battery work more effectively what they really do is provide you with an endless stream of ads that appear even on your lock screen, haven’t you really notice this trend.
You need to be extra careful with these types of phone apps they claim to provide you with Wi-Fi hotspots speed boosters and analyzers, free Wi-Fi keys, network protection and so on and so forth, however, if you don’t want these apps to get access to all your data to avoid them at all costs, here are just a few examples, master Wi-Fi key free Wi-Fi pro, smart free Wi-Fi and free Wi-Fi connectivity,well steer clear of these tricksters considering the huge number of apps created every single day, not even Google can keep track and check the safety of all the new programs so the security of your device mostly depends on you. Well if this information is useful to you tell some friends, you know a stitch in time saves nine.

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