Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF

Do you want to know more about the latest trend online? Here, we have explained the Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF.

Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF

Social media helps to discover many trends online. Most times, new trends are introduced on social media platforms weekly.

As a result, it has helped many users to discover how creative they are while having the fun of their life.

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About the Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF

Like many other trends, the Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF emerged on social media and continue to trend across other major social media platforms.

Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF

The meme contains a video of Ryan Gosling, who refused to eat his cereal, first surfaced in 2013 and has since become viral online.

Later, a series of Vine videos titled Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal which contains drama acting sequences by Ryan Gosling, were uncovered. In the videos, we saw the filmmaker steadily approaching a spoonful of cereal.

A Vine user named Ryan McHenry soon began to post a series of videos titled “Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal” in 2013.

In most of the videos, we saw different screen projections of Ryan Gosling, a Canadian actor in the drama sequences. However, the videographer later reached out for his bowl of cereal.

Although the meme has been around for a while, a good number of people are just getting to discover it, making the old joke funnier to laugh about.

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Currently, many social media sites and some YouTube channels have made a collection of a meme showing the footage of the actor Ryan.

Although McHenry reportedly passed away in 2015 at age 27 due to bone cancer diagnosed in 2013, his immense popularity derived from the meme was at a record high. Subsequently, after the well-known meme maker passed, Notebook actor Ryan Gosling would pay tribute to him by eating his cereal.



Ryan Gosling pays his homage by posting the tweet embedded below.

In the tweet, he wrote:

My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry’s family and friends. Feel very lucky to have been apart of his life in some small way.

Afterwards, a couple of people would join in tweeting about Ryan Gosling.

Why am I only just now learning about Ryan Gosling won’t finish his cereal

A fan also replied to an old tweet of Ryan Gosling:

What did I miss 7yrs ago? Was there something about this cereal or was he just tryin to see how people would react to him eating…a small bowl of cereal?

Also, See:

Ryan Gosling Cereal Meme and GIF

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