How to Fix “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter” in ChatGPT

Have you ever encountered the message, “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter” in ChatGPT? If so, you’re not alone. This message usually appears when you’ve exceeded the character limit in your message.

How to fix The message you submitted was too long please reload the conversation and submit something shorter in ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model designed to summarize or paraphrase long pieces of text. It has a secret character limit that is set to prevent users from overwhelming the bot with long messages that can be difficult to process.

However, this character limit can vary based on technical considerations like computational resources, the size of the input buffer, the memory capacity of the device, or the server hosting the bot.

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Why Causes “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter” Error in ChatGPT?

The error message “The message you submitted was too long” in ChatGPT typically occurs when you exceed the character limit set by the system. The character limit can vary depending on the platform or app you are using to access the bot.

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While the training data for ChatGPT suggests a limit of around 500 to 1,000 characters per message, recent testing indicates that the actual character limit is approximately 15,500 characters.

However, this limit may vary due to technical considerations such as computational resources, buffer size, memory capacity, or server hosting the bot. The purpose of this limit is to prevent users from overwhelming the bot with lengthy messages that can be challenging to process.

How to Fix “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter” in ChatGPT

How to fix The message you submitted was too long please reload the conversation and submit something shorter in ChatGPT

If you encounter the error message “The message you submitted was too long” in ChatGPT, there are two main solutions to fix it: shortening your message or dividing it into smaller parts.

  1. Shorten your message

One straightforward solution is to reduce the length of your message to be under the character limit, which is approximately 15,500 characters. You can do this by condensing your text, removing unnecessary information, or rephrasing your sentences to make them more concise. Be mindful to retain the essential meaning of your message while staying within the character limit.

  1. Divide your message

Another effective solution is to split your long message into smaller parts. For instance, if you are trying to ask ChatGPT to summarize a lengthy transcript, you can divide it into multiple sections and submit them separately. Copy and paste the first part of the transcript into ChatGPT, ask for a summary, and then repeat the process with the subsequent sections. This way, you can bypass the character limit and still obtain the information you need.


Encountering the error message “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter” in ChatGPT is a common issue when your message exceeds the character limit. However, you can easily fix this problem by shortening your message or dividing it into smaller parts.

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By following these simple steps, you should be able to avoid the error message and get the most out of ChatGPT. Remember, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can summarize or paraphrase long pieces of text, but it’s important to respect the character limit to ensure optimal performance.
