A map, also called a song, comprises game levels with hit objects denoting a single song. Here, we have listed the 20 best Osu Beatmaps.
An Osu beatmap is also called a map or song. It comprises game levels which have objects representing a single song. Besides, it has some components packed in archives using the .osz extension.
Osu beatmaps include songs stored in an MP3 or an Ogg format, image background, and custom hit sounds used for its arrangement. It comes with a storyboard having special effects and motion graphics alongside a custom skin changing the entire game’s appearance.
However, you can disable some visual and aural features of a beatmap by going to the visual settings overlay. You can download Osu beatmaps made by other users from the public beatmap listing.
After downloading a beatmap from the listing page, you must double-click on it. This will import it to Osu.
Below, we have considered the 20 best and most popular Osu beatmaps for players and their download links.
Beatmaps can be used to rank up and be able to compete against other opponents. It comes with different types of leaderboards, including the global ranking for the active player base and that of every combination of game modifiers.
Besides, it has a country-specific ranking alongside a friend ranking. You can check the complete list of all Osu beatmaps here.
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