Better Than VPN: How to Fully Secure Your Online Activities

Imagine an Internet with no censorship or unnecessary surveillance. How refreshing would it be to talk to your friends without worrying that your personal info will be drawn out of you? The web as we know it gives us a false idea of freedom when in reality, corporations are watching every step we take, record it, and use it to monetize it for their benefit.

Better Than VPN: How to Fully Secure Your Online Activities

The idea of a truly free internet may sound controversial, but so does censorship. At least, we should have an option to keep our privacy online and make responsible decisions on using it ourselves.

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Currently, there are a few browser and messenger options for those who want to surf the web more privately, but they are still far from perfect. However, once blockchain tech came into the picture, the promise of the decentralized web, an alternative dimension where people can surf the web in private, has become a little more feasible.

Utopia: A Path to Censorship-Free Web

The 1984 Group created Utopia P2P ecosystem to transform the way we’re interacting with each other online. The main goal was to create a safe place for people to communicate with others without the risk of being traced, hacked, or limited in any other way.

Utopia is a fully functioning platform that offers a wide range of tools to take digital privacy to the next level. The ecosystem contains highly secured and anonymous messenger and email service, allows the creation of private channels and internet resources, provides an internal proxy protocol, encrypted data storage, and more. Besides, it has its cryptocurrency and even a built-in mining functionality.

Utopia is based on a one-of-a-kind data transfer algorithm that can compute the optimal message delivery path, eliminating the drawbacks of DHT routing. Not blocking communication channels, the algorithm helps avoid massive network load. At the same time, an additional algorithm sends misleading TCP packets to cover the actual direction of the message in case someone decides to monitor the network.

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Why not use a VPN instead? The thing is that VPN services are pretty limited. It may secure your web traffic, but there is a chance that your VPN provider will end up being the one who monitors your activity. Besides, emails, messaging, social networks, and commercial services linked to your identity automatically dismiss the possibility of absolute anonymity. Exposing data to these services is not a good idea since it makes your entire browsing and messaging history vulnerable to attacks and will be most likely used as a monetization tool. In reality, VPN is an elementary form of protection and won’t guarantee you ultimate digital security.

Utopia, in turn, features various secure exits and safe destination. While a VPN shields you from ISP, Utopia P2P will take care of your VPN. Regardless of how safe your VPN is, its servers will always be in the hands of higher authorities. Using VPN along with Utopia’s ecosystem can come out as your best-case scenario.

Crypton Crypto and Mining Capacity

Crypton (CRP) cryptocurrency acts as a basis of Utopia’s economy. Every participant of the ecosystem can buy, sell, and even mine the coins. You won’t have to look for an external platform to purchase or swap Cryptons, as Utopia has its own exchange that can be accessed via the platform’s native Idyll Browser.

Crypton is an anonymous coin ideal for executing anonymous, untraceable transactions. No financial institution or government authority can control it; its rate cannot be manipulated or influenced. The coin was designed for performing completely anonymous daily financial operations within its private blockchain closed to anybody but its users. Alternatively, it can be used as an investment tool. The coins are stored in an ultra-secure cryptographic container impossible to hack thanks to the multi-layer encryption.

All the financial transactions within the ecosystem using integrated payment APIs are processed using Cryptons. CRP transactions in Utopia are confirmed immediately. Besides, if you choose to hold your coins in the integrated wallet, you will be eligible for monthly staking rewards in CRP.

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Crypton mining is a built-in feature helping to route network packets. Unlike Bitcoin or other coins, mining CRP doesn’t require buying expensive equipment or using an extensive amount of electricity. It is conducted via Mining Bots that can be easily installed on nearly any computer meeting minimum requirements. It is up to users to decide whether they want to engage in mining.

Mining Bots allow earning coin rewards for web sessions, and users can run as many of them considering that bots run on separate hosts. Bots won’t slow down your device using a minimal memory thanks to the Proof of State and Proof of Connectivity consensus algorithms.

The Bottom Line

Everyone who values digital privacy and wants to experience a fully secured browsing and messaging service should not solely depend on VPNs. When everything we do online is carefully monitored, recorded, and censored, blockchain-based P2P solutions are the ones stepping forward.

Utopia P2P ecosystem is an innovative and universal solution that helps with protecting your online activities. Besides, the platform has its own cryptocurrency and a built-in mining feature for users interested in making a profit while browsing the web.

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