How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

Here, we have discussed how to lock your Facebook profile on Android or iOS apps and from the Facebook website.

How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

About Facebook Profile Lock

Facebook is a community where everyone connects. It is a social media platform has where people across the world meet, connect and make friends. Besides, we can get information about people of interest from the platform, as long as they have an active account.

This option could expose one to security threats since people can easily stalk you even without your knowledge. There is no limit to how much people can stalk you. Once they have access to your profile, they can extract information about you and download your profile photos.

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This will restrict access to your profile and your information will only be visible to your friends alone. Once the profile is locked, non-friends will not be able to see your profile. In addition, they won’t be able to download your photos including profile and cover photos, and they won’t be able to see your posts ad stories as well.

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The Lock Profile feature once active, automatically changes the status of posts shared to Public to friends and in addition, gets the timeline and tag review turned on. Anyone interested in tagging you in photos would have to be granted permission manually by you, otherwise, you can’t be tagged.

If you feel that your account is under threat and could not help but lock your Facebook profile, then you are on the right page. Facebook recently introduced a safety feature known as the Facebook Profile Lock.

How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

The Facebook Profile Lock feature let users have more control over their profiles by completely locking their respective profile from strangers.

If you would like to learn how this works, kindly follow the steps below.

How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

On Facebook Android and iOS App

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on your Profile.
  2. Next, tap on the three-dot menu next to the Add to Story section and find the Lock Profile option.
  3. Tap the option you see on the Lock Profile page.
  4. Finally, tap the Lock Your Profile button to confirm and your Facebook profile will be locked from people who aren’t your friends.

On Facebook Website

  1. Visit the Facebook website and log in. Go to your profile to see the three-dot menu.
  2. Tap the menu and find the Lock Profile option. A pop-up showing you how locking your profile works is displayed. The pop-up also comes with the Lock Your Profile option.
  3. Click on the option and your profile is locked.
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How to Unlock Your Facebook Profile

To unlock your profile on Facebook, simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Facebook website or use the mobile to visit your Profile.
  2. Tap or click on the three-dot menu and find Unlock Profile option.
  3. You should get a pop-up message. Choose Unlock Profile and your profile will be unlocked and be visible to the public again.

How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

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We have come to the end of this article. If you found this work on how to lock your Facebook profile Helpful? Please, endeavour to share.


7 thoughts on “How to Lock Your Facebook Profile”

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