How to Save Photos in JPG Format on iPhone

Since the iPhone 11, Apple has made a switch in its default camera pictures and video formats. The mobile device brand considered HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Format) to JPG which is the usual and most popular format in which photos are saved. Here, you will be learning how to save photos in JPG format on your iPhone.

How to Save Photos in JPG Format on iPhone

However, the new format is helping to save more storage space on iOS-powered phones. HEIC also helps to retain photo qualities at a reduced media file size.

One downside of the HEIC media format is that it is not widely supported on many other mobiles and PC OS. Once you share your photos and videos from your iPhone with your PC, you will notice the files cannot be opened basically because of this format.

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Converting images from HEIC to JPG can be annoying and overwhelming and there is no option to do this from the camera app, rather, you can make a switch in media formats directly from Settings.

How to Save Photos in JPG Format on iPhone

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone and tap Camera. Here, you can find specific options like Formats, Grid, Preserve Settings, and Camera Mode.
  2. Choose Formats and switch the format from High Efficiency to Most Compatible and you are good.

Henceforth, your photos will be saved in JPG format and not HEIC. Although, photos already taken and saved on the device memory will retain their original HEIC format.

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