How to Fix “A communication error occurred due to a connection timeout” in Dragon Ball Sparkling Zero

In this guide, we will explain how to fix “A communication error occurred due to a connection timeout” in Dragon Ball Sparkling Zero.

communication error in Dragon Ball Sparkling Zero

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO features over 180 characters from Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, and select movies. The game lets players engage in 3D battles using iconic Dragon Ball moves like beam clashes, rush attacks, and more.

The game also offers multiple modes, including online and offline play, tournaments, and story campaigns. It is available in Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions, DRAGON BALL: Sparking ZERO is a must-play for fans of the series looking forward to the gameplay.

Also, See:

If you’re getting the connection timeout message in DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO, follow the steps below to fix the issue:

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How to Fix “A Communication Error Occurred Due to a Connection Timeout” in DRAGON BALL: Sparking ZERO

Fix 1: Lower the Lobby Time Limit

  1. Go to “Room Settings” in the game.
  2. Adjust the “Time” limit (e.g., reduce from 600 seconds to 360 or 180).
  3. Save and confirm the changes.

Fix 2: Remove FPS Unlock for Better Connection Stability

  1. Press the Windows key and search for “%localappdata%”. Press Enter.
  2. Navigate to SparklingZERO > Saved > Config > Windows.
  3. Open the “Engine” configuration file.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom and delete the lines starting from [/script/engine.engine] to FrameRateLimit=144.0.
  5. Save the file.

Fix 3: Delete the Engine.ini File

  1. Press the Windows key and search for “%localappdata%”. Press Enter.
  2. Go to SparklingZERO > Saved > Config > Windows.
  3. Right-click the “Engine” file and delete it.
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Fix 4: Delete the Config Folder to Reset Settings

  1. Press the Windows key and search for “%localappdata%”. Press Enter.
  2. Navigate to SparklingZERO > Saved.
  3. Delete the “Config” folder to reset your settings.

By following these steps, you can resolve the connection timeout error in DRAGON BALL: Sparking ZERO and enjoy the gameplay.


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