6G Technology: Huawei offers roll-out support to Australia

Recently, Huawei was reported sending offers to the Australia government to help roll-out 6G technology support. The company needs the support of the government to bring 6G network – the next generation of telecommunications.

6G Technology: Huawei offers roll-out support to Australia

Huawei offers roll-out support to Australia on 6G Technology

The Chinese telecom equipment maker, according to a report is asking the government to advise the company on how it can help in rolling out the next generation of mobile networking technology, or 6G.

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It appears like the company is aiming to work hand-in-hand with the government to prevent ban issues faced in the nation in the case of 5G network. However, this will be another opportunity for the company to sort the reversal of the ban placed on it from working on Australia’s 5G.

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Huawei Australia’s director of corporate affairs Jeremy Mitchell believes that it is still not too late for the company to supply the country with telecommunications equipment for its 5G infrastructure. However, he also believes that it is very unlikely.

He said the conversation we now want to have with the Australian government is what do we do when 6G or 7G comes, because like it or not Huawei or another Chinese company will be the leader in this area. He further added that Huawei would like to work with the government to ensure Australia has access to the best technology but do so in a way which gives security agencies confidence in terms of risk mitigation.

Mitchel sees 6G has the very beginning of research development. But he felt the need for Australia to go with the flow and understand where this technology is heading.

Huawei’s 5G Ban

For reference, Huawei was placed on a ban by the Australian government from participating in the country’s 5G roll-out. The country regarded Huawei as a high-risk vendor which could likely be controlled or used by a foreign government in a way, not in harmony with Australian law.

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