5 Cool Things You Don’t Know You Can Do With WhatsApp

WhatsApp is an IM (Instant Messaging) app used by the majority of people throughout the world. It works across multiple platforms with access to an internet connection. In this discussion, we shall be mentioning some cool things you don’t know you can do with WhatsApp.

Cool Things You Don’t Know You Can Do With WhatsApp

WhatsApp – owned by Facebook was officially released in January 2019. With over 2 billion users throughout the world, it has since dominated the competition leaving Telegram with over 200 million monthly active users (considered as WhatsApp best competitor), Snapchat, WeChat, Skype, Viber, Kik, Wire, and other Instant Messengers behind.

The most recently added feature to WhatsApp is the “dark mode” for iPhone and Android devices.

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Other than sending and receiving messages from friends on WhatsApp, there are other things you can do with the app. These include;

Cool Things You Can Do With WhatsApp

Disable Last Seen

If you are the type that really cares about your privacy, a feature you shouldn’t leave out without disabling is the last seen time.

Without the feature disabled, friends who view your profile can easily know when last you logged into the app.

However, to disable your last seen, navigate to Settings >> Account >> Privacy >> Last seen. You can set it from “My contacts” or “Nobody” as you wish.

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Turn Off Read Receipts

The blue ticks that are shown to senders whenever their message got delivered and read by you can actually be disabled. This way, they will have no clue whether you’ve read the message or not as long as you leave the message not replied.

To turn off read receipts, go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy >> Read receipts. Toggle the box to put it off.

Mute Group Chat Notification

Most times you find yourself in annoying groups where you can’t leave due to some reason. If you find yourself in this condition, you can opt-in for the mute group chat notification option.

To mute a group, you can either long-press on the group and click the mute icon shown above or visit the group info page and toggle the mute notification option.

Options allowing you to mute notifications for 8 hours, 1 week and 1 year are provided and you’re required to go for one. You can additionally, choose to show notifications during this period or not.

However, you can always choose to unmute any group you have once muted.

Customize Chat Notification

Other than muting chats, this option gives a chance of having different notifications for different chats from friends and groups. Therefore with just a sound, you already know where the chat is coming from.

Customize your notifications, go to view contact or group info page and find the custom notifications option.

WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp works across different OS platforms. One way you can access WhatsApp on PC with an internet connection is through the WhatsApp web.

It prevents you from missing out on important messages when you’re working on your PC and you have your phone within your reach.

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To use WhatsApp web, visit web.whatsapp.com from your browser then click on the WhatsApp web option from your phone. You will be required to scan the QR code displayed on your PC screen and should connect so far there is internet on both devices (phone and PC).

To connect using WhatsApp web in a faster way, download the app for your PC and you can always login automatically with the QR scanning option bypassed.


Finally, we have come to the end of this article, feel free to add more features of WhatsApp you feel people should know through the comments section. Also, sharing is caring. Help us reach a wider audience by sharing with friends.


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