How to Check/Remove People Sharing Your Netflix Account

A standard Netflix account can be shared with a maximum of two people. You should learn to check and remove people sharing your Netflix account with you to prevent your account from being suspended.

How to Check/Remove People Sharing Your Netflix Account

Netflix allows sharing accounts with people. However, the number of people that can share an account is limited (normally two on a standard HD plan or four on a premium 4K UHD plan). If you have shared your access with many people, this means that often times, you won’t be able to have access once the limit has been attained.

Netflix access sharing is originally for family members living together. However, many people have already shared their account with people who have also shared with some set of friends. Although the chain has gotten longer, this guide will help you stay in charge.

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How to Check People Sharing Your Netflix Account

You can check on all devices accessing your account and their locations on Netflix website from the Recent device streaming activity page. Visit the Account settings page on the website and click Recent device streaming activity. You will be able to view the list of devices sharing your account with you including their locations and IP addresses.

How to Remove People Sharing Your Netflix Account

To remove people sharing your account, visit the Account settings page and click Sign out of all devices option. This will force everyone sharing your access off your Netflix account and they would be asked to enter account password next time they try to use the account. However, they will still be able to use your account later once they can supply the password once it’s requested. So, I will advise that you change your password.

How to Change Netflix Account Password

To change Netflix account password, go to your Account settings page and click the Change Password option. You will be required to input the current password and a new password. Once you’re all set, ensure you check the Require all devices to sign in again with new password option.

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Once this is done, you will need to log in to your account again and you can be sure that no one is sharing your account with you any longer so far you don’t tell anyone your new password.

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