How To Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore

This post will discuss how to test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore. In May last year, the instant Android app was announced at Google I/O as a feature that lets users Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore.

How To Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore

Also Read: How to Install Android Apps on a PC/Laptop

How To Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore

The good news is that Instant Apps are finally creeping into the Google Play store listings, and with just a “Try It Now button,” you can access the feature. Instant Apps launch with just a tap on a URL. To support this, developers partition their apps into small, runnable parts so that they can start within seconds.


How To Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore

Here are the featured instant apps, including BuzzFeed, NYTimes (Crossword), Hollar, Red Bull, Skyscanner, Onefootball Live Soccer Scores. With the current integration, users will try these Android apps before actually downloading and installing them.

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The tech giant Google also revamped the Editors’ Choice tab in the Play Store, which is now active in 17 countries. Some of the upcoming changes include an improved home section for games that will soon feature trailers and screenshots of gameplay. Two new browse destinations are also coming soon, namely ‘New’ (for upcoming and trending games) and ‘Premium’ (for paid games).

Lastly, Google Play Security Reward Program was also introduced. It will allow Google to find vulnerabilities and notify developers via security recommendations to fix them.

Lastly, Google Play Security Reward Program was also introduced. It will allow Google to find vulnerabilities and notify developers via security recommendations to fix them.

Editor’s Pick: Earn Money When You Download Applications On Your Android Phone

Thanks for reading How To Test Android Apps Before Installing Them On Google PlayStore.

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