How to Access Blocked Websites

If you find it hard to access blocked websites, I think you need to read this post. Websites placed on restrictions can always be annoying. These blocked websites might be due to government officials trying to censor web content. Nevertheless, in this post, I have carefully laid out ten ways by which you can bypass censorship to access blocked websites.

How to Access Blocked Websites

These methods include the use of VPN, extensions, proxy websites and others. Let’s take a look at them:

Also, See:

Ways by which you can access blocked websites

  1. Use TOR – IP Anonymizer

The first way to access blocked websites on this list is by using a browser called Tor. If you are the type that loves to be anonymous when surfing the web, then you might have heard of the Tor browser. Let’s talk about the Tor browser for those just knowing about it for the first time.

What is a Tor browser, and how can I use it to access blocked websites?

Tor (The Onion Router) browser is a free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. Tor browser can act as a web blocker bypass provided you know how to set it up properly. With a Tor browser, you can unblock any websites and remain anonymous as well. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network consisting of over seven thousand relays to conceal a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Does that sound like a good idea? Well, I will be talking more about this in detail in another article. Right now, we are still on how to access blocked websites.

How to Access Blocked Websites

After VPN and proxies, using Tor seems to be the most powerful method to unblock websites. If you ever thought of visiting the dark web, well, the Tor browser might serve as a gateway. Tor browser is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, GNU/Linux.

To start your first step in accessing blocked websites, download Tor Browser here.

If you are exploring ways to enhance your computer security, you can also go for a combination of TOR and VPN. I will be talking about VPN in the next section.

  1. Use VPN

Heard about VPN before? If not, I will be teaching you how to access blocked websites with it. VPN (Virtual Proxy Network) allows you to connect your device to a secure connection to another network over the internet. With this ability, you can access blocked websites from your home network and put your IP address in a far-away land.

VPN works in such a way that it acts as a tunnel that converts your data into garbage value, making it difficult for anyone to sniff and recognize. I’ll be giving details on VPN and how it works in the future. Now we are still on how to access blocked websites.

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How to Access Blocked Websites

There is a lot of free VPN services that one can use and enjoy an uninterrupted internet experience, and some VPN packages you can consider are:

  • PIA (Private Internet Access)
  • ExpressVPN
  • NordVPN

So why don’t you get yourself some package and start surfing those blocked websites?

  1. Why URL? Use IP

Every website’s URL has an IP address, and whosoever is blocking the site might have just stored the URL instead of the IP. So our quest to access blocked websites might get down over the hill. To get the IP address for any website, you need to do a “ping domain(dot)com” command in Command Prompt. Using IP serves as a simple way to access blocked websites in your region.

What if the website has hidden its IP too? I am afraid this method won’t work. What else can be done? Well, all you need to do is run a Command Prompt on your computer. Then type “ping www.websitename.comand press enter. This will return the IP address. Now enter this IP address in your web browser’s address bar and hit enter to visit the so-called blocked website. You can use similar tools and commands on other platforms like Android, Linux, Mac etc.

  1. Use Internet Archive – Wayback Machine

The use of Internet Archive – Wayback Machine can also serve as a means to access blocked websites. How? Wayback Machine is an exciting service that stores a copy of most of all websites on the internet. How does it work? Read on!!

Wayback Machine helps you access blocked websites by saving multiple versions of a website, and you can use it to access the past performances of a website. The users can also use it to browse the blocked contents online.

  1. Use HTML to PDF converter

Heard about SodaPDF before? If not, then it’s a good thing you are here. SodaPDF provides a free online service that can help you directly download a web page on your computer without even accessing it. Sounds interesting?

All you need to do is to visit this link and enter the URL of the website. That’s it!

You can check out other HTML to PDF converter web blockers and bypass services you can try. More still, some services need your URL and mail the unblocked web page to you. That sounds great. So why not try it out?

Use HTML to PDF converter

  1. Get yourself anonymous by using Proxy Websites

Have you ever been in a situation whereby you have been restricted to access some websites? In cases like this, you need a way to access the blocked websites. So here is the good news, Proxy websites can be your messiah. Note that an unblock proxy isn’t as secure as a VPN, so if you need to be secretive, get yourself to use VPN or TOR.

On the web, there are lots of proxy websites that remove the restrictions on your web experience. A proxy website camouflage the blocked site from the ISPs and allow you to access blocked websites. So get down on the web and get those proxy websites.

  1. Use Extensions to access blocked websites

What if the blocked websites are dynamic? Like Facebook or YouTube? How do you bypass such restrictions? Extensions can be the answer you have been looking for. Hola and ProxMate are some extensions that you can use to access blocked websites on Chrome and other browsers. Another extension that lets you browse freely using its encrypted proxy network is UltraSurf. It is powerful enough to evade lots of power to defeat firewalls like Lightspeed.

  1. Google Translate

Considered an education tool, nobody thinks Google Translate something powerful enough to unblock websites. Well, it comes with a price. With Google Translate, you can access a blocked website by converting the blocked website into some other language that you may know. So if there is some language you understand, feel free to use Google Translate to bypass that blocked website.

  1. URL recasting method

Let us consider a case when a particular website is hosted in VPN, and it doesn’t have a verified SSL installed. How do we go about unblocking such sites? You can go to the address bar of your web browser and try typing instead of accessing or This change, although slight, might display a security notice. Press on the Proceed Anyway option and visit the website.

  1. Use Firefox from a USB drive

Lastly, on this list of how to access blocked websites, I will like to introduce to you the idea of using Firefox from a USB drive. If your school or office is known to take steps to restrict site access and you are not allowed to install extensions on the web browser to open the websites for personal use, you can install a web browser like Firefox portable on a USB drive. With some sound unblock proxy service, you can get it done over with.

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Use Firefox from a USB drive


Now that you have been provided with enough information on how to access blocked websites, why don’t you get started with it already?

Also, See:

Thanks for your time on our page. Hope to see you some other time. You can leave your comments in the comments box below.


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